In today’s stressful society, many people grind (brux) or clench their teeth. A minor amount of grinding or clenching teeth is normal. Severe clenching or grinding can cause serious problems with your jaw muscles, joints and teeth, however. Muscular pain, tooth pain, tension headaches and excessive tooth wear are potential consequences of clenching and grinding.
Nightguards are very effective at preventing tooth wear and damage. For some people, they are also effective at reducing grinding or clenching or reducing the painful symptoms of grinding and clenching.
For patients suffering from bruxism, we recommend a night guard to prevent damage to your teeth while you sleep. In order to assist you with your teeth grinding and help relieve the pain in your mouth, Dr. Robert Taylor can provide you with night guards here at Taylor Family Orthodontics.
To learn more about night guards in Orem, Utah, call us today at 801-226-6611! We also invite you to schedule an appointment with our orthodontist.